Storing Your Antique or Classic Car in Winter

Winter is just as inhospitable for classic and antique cars as it is for people. Cold temperatures, ice and salt could cause costly damage to irreplaceable or rare parts. In order to effectively preserve and protect the value of your car, you must take the proper precautions, which include performing thorough maintenance and purchasing a comprehensive classic car insurance policy.

Winter Maintenance Steps

Securely storing your car during the winter is vital to preserving it. Follow these five pieces of guidance to ensure that your classic or antique car maintains its value throughout the cold months.

1.Have the vehicle fully serviced, which should include the following:

  • Oil and filter changed
  • Cooling system drained, cleaned and refilled
  • Air added to the tyres
  • A coat of underseal applied

2.Have your car thoroughly washed and waxed-this should include applying grease to any chrome-before storing it in a well-ventilated garage with a dehumidifier. This will prevent the body from developing rust, and the wiring, seals and other rubber parts from deteriorating.

3.Have the car’s battery removed and stored off the floor. You may want to consider using a trickle charger to keep the battery charged.

4.Have all the air cleaner, air inlet and exhaust pipe(s) covered to prevent insects and rodents from getting into the car.

5.Have the vehicle placed on jack stands to prevent flat spots on the tyres and preserve the car’s suspension.

While you may be tempted to drive your car on those rare warm and dry winter days, doing so can potentially introduce damaging moisture, salt and dirt to your car’s every nook and cranny. Still, some experts recommend using your car once per month on a dry, salt-free road for 15-20 minutes to prevent mechanical deterioration.

Antique or Classic Car Insurance
The most effective method to preserve the value of your classic car is with a robust insurance policy. Policies can pay for the car’s full-insured value with no depreciation in the event of a total loss, less your excess. To learn more about protecting your classic or antique car, contact Schofield Insurance Brokers at (0) 113 250 0377 today.

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