Disclose Your Medical History

A holiday can be a welcome respite from the routine of the office or the doldrums of a sick bed. But, if you or one of your loved ones suffers from a pre-existing medical condition, securing quality travel cover could provide an unwelcome challenge. However, choosing to not disclose information about a pre-existing medical condition to secure a cheaper rate can be harmful as it places you at risk for the following:
(read more) "Disclose Your Medical History"

New Smoke Alarm Law

Each year, there are an estimated 50 deaths and 1,100 hospitalisations as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning. In response, on 1st October, a new law went into force which will require landlords to install working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in all of their properties. The intention of the law is to address the insufficient protection currently in place for tenants. Tenants that live in properties that do not have either a smoke or carbon monoxide alarm are four times more likely to die or be injured in a fire.
(read more) "New Smoke Alarm Law"

Are You Underinsured?

Aviva have produced a guide to help you understand what it means to be underinsured and what the implications are for commercial clients who are underinsured. The article explains what the "average clause" is and the way it impacts how claims are calculated. If you have any questions please contact us on 0113 2500 377.
(read more) "Are You Underinsured?"